Month: August 2015

Is There Room For Both of Us?

You guys! I don’t know what kind of Affirmative Action shitshow is going on right now, but there is a whole ‘nother black person in my department!



I know!


It’s like they’re trying to stress me out.


Okay, I appreciate the empathy, but can we get back to me now?


Thank you

The worst part is, she’s… really nice. And kind of funny. And super sweet. And has this amazing breakfast taco recipe that sounds amazing and she totally invited me over to try it. And–

What? Oh! Hey Tiana! What’s this?? Ohmygod, thank you!

Holyshit, she brought me coffee. She brought me coffee just because.

It’s like she doesn’t know the rules at all.

This is terrible news. Partly just because I kind of want to hang out with her sometimes and that’s just not okay. Two or more of us together and soon we’ll start talking about that amazingly heartbreaking This American Life from a couple of weeks ago about how truly segregated schools still are and then we’re basically a gang.

But it mainly sucks because now that she’s here, how am I supposed to stand out at the office?!

When I was the only one of me, I was special and unique and yes that led to some really annoying questions, but it was all because they noticed me. I was being noticed.

Now that I’m just a part of a crowd, how will I stand out?

I’ll have to…actually be really good at my job or something. I’ll have to contribute something other than adorable quips. I’ll have to stop making my resume a liar and learn Excel.

Thanks, Obama.



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